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(Session 2)

Part 1 - Please choose 3


1.    What do you most hope for in your relationship with God?

2.    Is there someone (or was there someone) in your life you want to be like in your faith?

3.    Describe what it is about that person that makes you want to be like them.

4.    What attitudes or behaviors do you hope to change in yourself?

5.    Describe your ideal self one year from now.

6.    Describe your ideal relationship with God one year from now.

7.    Describe your ideal home life one year from now.

8.    What do you hope your prayer life will be like one year from now?

9.    What would your life be like if you were to go easier on yourself?

10. What would your life be like if you were a more forgiving person?

11. What would your life be like if you were a more grateful person?

12. What would your life be like if you were a less fearful person?

13. Describe what a perfect day looks like.

14. What do you hope to learn from this process?

15. What are you busy with right now? Will it matter a year from now?

16. What is your most outrageous goal?

17. What is your purpose in life?


Part 2 - Please choose 3


1.    In what ways do you need to develop your faith practices to get where you want to go?

2.    In what ways do you need to develop your relationship with God?

3.    How will you determine if your plan will get you where you want to go?

4.    What are some resources you think you might need along the way?

5.    What kind of activities, conversations, reading, or mentoring would be helpful?

6.    What level of priority will this process have in your life?

7.    What skills do you already have that will help you in this process?

8.    What skills do you need to develop?

9.    What obstacles do you have to overcome to get to where you want to go?

10. What are the next three steps you have to take to get started on this process?

11. How will you sustain yourself if the process becomes difficult or frustrating?

12. What do you have to let go of in order to get where you want to go?




(Session 3)


Please choose 3


1.    How will you know if you’ve met your goal?

2.    How will others you interact with know?

3.    How will the people at this parish know?

4.    What changes will you see in your prayer life?

5.    What changes will you see in your family life?

6.    What changes will you see in how you spend your time?

7.    How will your values have changed?

8.    How will you know if you have become more forgiving?

9.    How will you know if you have become more flexible?

10. How will you know if you have become more generous?

11. How will you know if you have become more hopeful?

12. How will you know if you have become more joyful?

13. How will strangers recognize that you are living a Christian life?

14. What regular practices or habits will you have implemented?

15. What will you no longer be worried about? How will you handle setbacks?

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